
New Year, New Projects.

After leaving DJCAD last May I've struggled to remain motivated with my making. Between New Designers, getting my workshop finally up and running and working, I've had short bursts of making (for Tayberry Gallery in Perth where you can find some of my work, and a few Christmas commissions) but I miss some of the pressure art school places on you to produce work in a set time frame.

So now that we're into 2017 i'm setting myself a challenge inspired by Emily Kidson.  During 2016 she produced a brooch a month alongside her other work, you can find out more on her blog. I originally saw her project on Instagram (which you can find here, its lovely) and it's inspired me to start my own brooch a month project. It will give me the structure I need and hopefully the drive to see it through til December. I absolutely adore making brooches, they are a great way to showcase skills and technique.

I know, January is almost done, but I have a sketchbook of ideas and there is still plenty of time to make something.  Time to get into the workshop and get making. 

Keep up to date with my brooch project with the hashtag #CVBroochproject over on my Instagram
